  • Группа компаний ТОП Холдинг
  • Цель, миссия
  • Основные принципы

Top Holding Group of Companies

A leading Russian consumer goods manufacturer, we have crafted quality products at our ISO 9001-certified facility for over twelve years.

We have grown successful partnerships with companies in every region of Russia. We have set up a smoothly functioning distribution and sales system that effectively promotes our products while advancing the interests of our partners at all levels.

We have been on the market since 2007.


We have been on the market since 2007

We sell products tested by time and our customers.

Our Mission

Being the leading Russian manufacturer of the products in which we specialize.

Our Goal

Providing Russians with quality goods at affordable prices.

Partnerships are our way of doing business.

Our Core Principles

We pursue mutually beneficial and transparent partnerships.

Our distribution policy prioritizes the needs of distributors, wholesalers, and retail chains.

The main links in our sales network are distributors, wholesalers, and retail chains.

Made in Russia